Opening day for the 2010 Newmarket Farmers's market has been set for May 8th. It's important to note that because of construction, this year's market is not downtown but at the town offices at 395 Mulock.
There are also rumours of a second market this year. I don't know if it's going to be an additional Saturday location or a mid week market like they tried a couple of years ago, keep watch for an annoucement.
The Mulock location doesn't have as much parking and I don't think it's as walkable as downtown so this may be a poor year for the vendors. In my case if I have to use my car to go to market I'm just as likely to go to Aurora where the near by Wells Park is a great distraction for the kids while we take turns shopping.
For those who don't have the ability to get to the new location or want to directly support local food production there are still opportunities to join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)where you can pre purchase a crop share entitling you to weekly deliveries(or pick up) of seasonal produce, eggs and even meat.
We've joined Cooper's CSA in Zephyr, I'll let you know how it works out.
Macwilliam Farms in Queensville also runs a CSA program as well as a pick your own opperation.
I'll add more CSA links along the sidebar as I discover them, feel free to me send links I don't have or reviews of the various CSAs. If you run a CSA I'll even give you an ad or a write up provided a basket of berries or bushel of potatoes/apples/etc is involved;)
I want to do more canning this year
It's about time! We've been taking advantage of the Guelph Farmer's Market which has an indoor section and is open every Saturday all year long. But that only works on the weekends when I am out that way, which is spotty.
Newmarket/Aurora needs a year round farmer's market.
I propose Wells Street School in Aurora as an ideal location. It can't be torn down (due to some people's ill conceived notion of "Heritage"), the school board has decided it can't be used as a school, and the market would only have to move about 30 feet!
the markets are nice, but over-priced since it is supposed to be local. seem to take advantage of our guilt for the environment. would prefer to have opportunity to grow my own. Ask me a question....
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